The weather here has been BEAUTIFUL. It feels like a warm spring at last (at last... hehe). After my math test Wednesday, however, I wasn't quite appreciating it. I'd just bombed it (or, I think...) and decided to buy some new jeans before heading home (not really to make myself feel better but really to prevent problems in the near future). I drove to the mall and talked on the phone in the parking lot for awhile. Finally , I got out and marched right in to JCPenny. I was on a mission. I had a purpose. This was going to be quick. I would not spend the majority of my day at the mall. I paused momentarily to glance at the store map as I entered and then zoomed off. Not three steps in I heard an abrupt (almost challenging), 'Can I help you?' Still in super efficient mode, I swung back around just as abruptly. I think it caught her off guard. 'Oh... uh...' I don't know what else came out of her mouth and I'm not sure what I was thinking because I turned back around and hurried on my way towards the rest of the mall. It was very slowly that I actually started to take in my surroundings: It was awfully empty and quiet (no music only a few people in sight). As I walked down the center of the store I realized that to my right the lights were on but to my left it was still pretty dark. Uh oh. I started to realize that JCPenny's hadn't opened yet. I kept going and kept looking purposeful (no one questions someone with purpose). That's when I saw it: a glass wall between me and the rest of the mall. Definitely confirmed. All doors were closed and locked and suddenly I had to turn around and look purposeful the entire way back out of the store towards the parking lot. When I got back to my entrance it was slightly harder to be nonchalant. Apparently I walked in through the only unlocked door on my first try. Heading out, it took four tries to get it right (much to the confusion of an entering employee). But I made it out without even a reprimand, walked around the outside to a different entrance and then hung out in the food court with the old people (eating breakfast after their morning walks) and the mall cops gliding past on the segues. I thought it was pretty amusing.
Anyway, I found pants.
It was pretty quick. And, the majority of my day was not spent at the mall. All in all, a success.
Now it's spring break (kinda) and it feels good. My kitchen is half clean (that half is really really nice). The other half is waiting for a clean dishwasher so that new dishes can be loaded in and it too will be spotless (yay!). I have ingredients for wonderful salads and scrumptious dinners and an odd desire to knit again (since when has knitting been a spring thing?).
This pin cushion really wet my appetite, I think.
And then I remembered all the cute patterns in the free issue of Interweave Crochet I've yet to try out. The latter are a little bit too wintery for me right now but that just makes me anxious for the next issue to arrive. :) I can't wait.
So today I'm celebrating spring (is today the equinox?), taking a long walk with the dogs, cleaning the kitchen, cooking up a storm, cleaning up again (yay, i have a clean kitchen!), going out to see Slumdog Millionaire, and maybe taking up my knitting or reading a book... because today I'm on vacation. :D