

Done!  Test 3 of 3 is complete and 2 out of 3 went fantastically well (can't complain too hard about that, now can I?).  I walked out of Statistics today feeling so free.  Now I feel like I'm on Spring Break (for those of you who don't know... I had SB from my morning classes two weeks ago, one week of both sets of classes- and all tests- and then this week I have SB from my evening classes).  So next weekend (the tail end of break... only missing one, maybe two, classes) Walt & I are heading off somewhere exotic for vacation.  We're not sure where yet.  Maybe Florida, maybe the Gulf Coast, maybe a cruise to the Bahamas... just depends on the amazingness of the deals and our timely decisions (yeah, we're not so good at that last one.  but we'll get there).  Yay!  Spring Break!!

The weather here has been BEAUTIFUL.  It feels like a warm spring at last (at last... hehe).  After my math test Wednesday, however, I wasn't quite appreciating it.  I'd just bombed it (or,  I think...)  and decided to buy some new jeans before heading home (not really to make myself feel better but really to prevent problems in the near future).  I drove to the mall and talked on the phone in the parking lot for awhile.  Finally , I got out and marched right in to JCPenny.  I was on a mission.  I had a purpose.  This was going to be quick.  I would not spend the majority of my day at the mall.  I paused momentarily to glance at the store map as I entered and then zoomed off.  Not three steps in I heard an abrupt (almost challenging), 'Can I help you?' Still in super efficient mode, I swung back around just as abruptly.  I think it caught her off guard.  'Oh... uh...'  I don't know what else came out of her mouth and  I'm not sure what I was thinking because I turned back around and hurried on my way towards the rest of the mall.  It was very slowly that I actually started to take in my surroundings: It was awfully empty and quiet (no music only a few people in sight).  As I walked down the center of the store I realized that to my right the lights were on but to my left it was still pretty dark.  Uh oh.  I started to realize that JCPenny's hadn't opened yet.  I kept going and kept looking purposeful (no one questions someone with purpose).  That's when I saw it: a glass wall between me and the rest of the mall.  Definitely confirmed.  All doors were closed and locked and suddenly I had to turn around and look purposeful the entire way back out of the store towards the parking lot.  When I got back to my entrance it was slightly harder to be nonchalant.  Apparently I walked in through the only unlocked door on my first try.  Heading out, it took four tries to get it right (much to the confusion of an entering employee).  But I made it out without even a reprimand, walked around the outside to a different entrance and then hung out in the food court with the old people (eating breakfast after their morning walks) and the mall cops gliding past on the segues.  I thought it was pretty amusing. 

Anyway, I found pants.  
It was pretty quick.  And, the majority of my day was not spent at the mall.  All in all, a success.

Now it's spring break (kinda) and it feels good.  My kitchen is half clean (that half is really really nice).  The other half is waiting for a clean dishwasher so that new dishes can be loaded in and it too will be spotless (yay!).  I have ingredients for wonderful salads and scrumptious dinners and an odd desire to knit again (since when has knitting been a spring thing?).

This pin cushion really wet my appetite, I think.
And then I remembered all the cute patterns in the free issue of Interweave Crochet I've yet to try out.  The latter are a little bit too wintery for me right now but that just makes me anxious for the next issue to arrive.  :)  I can't wait.

So today I'm celebrating spring (is today the equinox?), taking a long walk with the dogs, cleaning the kitchen, cooking up a storm, cleaning up again (yay, i have a clean kitchen!), going out to see Slumdog Millionaire, and maybe taking up my knitting or reading a book... because today I'm on vacation. :D



I've been studying Anatomy & Physiology (A&P) and writing up flashcards like mad. (with my final only two weeks away- what else is there to do?) Fairly often I find myself distracted watching myself write or thinking about breathing or any number of mostly unconscious actions my body usually keeps up with. It's while I'm writing about how my brain sends signals to my muscles to contract that I think, 'wow, my brain just did that.' Then I find myself trying to make unconscious actions conscious... and my body gets very confused. Am I thinking 'move!' or am I sending the signal 'move!'? Today I was writing a flashcard about saddle joints and got distracted by my thumb holding the pen. 'Look, a saddle joint... doing it's thing... holding my pen.' (oh my)

Does anyone else get distracted like this? Or am I the only insane one?

This semester I've started a bad habit... caffeine each and every morning. MWF I have to leave my house at 6:30 so it's become kind of a necessity. Today, however, I forgot it. I remembered the entire way in the car. I planned to stop at Starbucks and get a hot Apple Chai Infusion. I decided it didn't matter if I had to be a few minutes late. I was determined. Well, I forgot. Apparently I was too tired to remember to drive one block past my normal turn off and get something to wake myself up. So sad. Class is so much more interesting when I'm awake for it.

There was one moment towards the end that made me chuckle, however. My soft-spoken little Indian professor told us he was "fixing to" get something ready for the test. It was just fun to hear such a southern phrase come out of his mouth. Very cute. :)

The first time I heard fixin' was in Greek class. My professor had just moved from Texas to Ohio and when he told us that _blank_ word meant fixin' (it's horrible but I don't remember anymore) we all just stared at him, faces completely void. It took us a moment to translate "fixin' to" into "going to." This is the same professor who allowed us to write y'all for the second person plural (tho' I'm pretty sure we started that, not him).

Anyway, I should go back to studying... Test tomorrow. Spring break is ALMOST here!